Comfort Tool

Our product and mission
The recent increase in heat waves and urban heat islands have led local governments around the world, to include performance requirements for wind and thermal comfort in outdoor spaces and public parks. While this is an excellent policy initiative, demonstrating compliance often requires vast computational resources and specialist knowledge.
We believe that outdoor spaces are a public utility and all analyses, no matter how complex, should be accessible, intuitive and iterative. We provide the infrastructure, so that small and medium companies can deliver complex analyses to future-proof the public realm against the uncertainties of climate change.
Our Microclimate Tool is a SketchUp plugin that enables CFD analysis on the cloud and allows you to undertake detailed annual wind and thermal comfort analysis, for outdoor spaces at any scale.
All you need is a laptop and SketchUp, we take care of everything else.
How can this help you...?
Mitigate urban heat islands and improve thermal comfort with current and future weather files. Ensure that the proposed solution performs effectively in 2050 or 2080.
Dublin Planning Requirements
For new developments, evaluate and mitigate potential negative wind and microclimatic effects of proposed development for planning approval.
Green Mark Resilience
Evaluate massing and material selection to demonstrate compliance with Green Mark guidelines in Singapore for Urban Heat Island Mitigation. Access all relevant metrics for outdoor comfort (UTCI, PET, SET).
London Microclimate Guidelines
Demonstrate compliance with City of London wind microclimate and thermal comfort guidelines. Get bespoke metrics, results and statistical analysis set up for compliance.
Wind Comfort and Safety Standards
Built-in results display to show compliance with annual pedestrian wind comfort and safety requirements such as NEN-8100 Standard and Lawson Comfort Criteria.
Estidama PRS Outdoor Comfort
Ready made results displays for mandatory credit on Outdoor Thermal Comfort Strategy and Improved Outdoor Thermal Comfort. In addition to the snapshot analysis, evaluate comfort distribution throughout the year